About the site

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After many years of reading books and watching numerous movies with creatures of both legend and imagination I decided out of fun to create this website. With many tales of these beasts from reading Bulfinch's Mythology which is a collection of tales from myth and legend, the by Homer, and the Odyssey which portrayed Odysseus's journey home after the Trojan War is over.

I tried to introduce as many cultures and account from all over the world and is not complete, but it will grow in time and if anyone has a reference to share, please let me know on the contact page and I will be glad to check it out. This had long been a project on the back burner and have hesitated because of the large score it would encompass and no longer procrastinate on the subject.

The scope of this undertaking will range from biblical accounts, different cultures around the world, and a bit of folklore and mythology. I did not include a section in imaginary beast such as found in movies as they are based of fantasy and not related to actual accounts. There is also no section of things like aliens and that is for another time and possible website in the future.

I hope you enjoy this project as much as I did in making it and remember this is all in fun and in no way meant to demean anyone beliefs or preferences.

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