Creatures image

Here is a list of mythical creatures beginning with this letter and I am constantly gathering information from each continent and continually updating.


Amazake-babaa (Japanese)

Amazake-babaa or amazake banb? is an old woman y?kai from the folklore of Miyagi and Aomori prefectures in Japan. She is rumored to come to the doors of houses late at night and call out “Might you have any amazake?" in a childlike voice, but if anyone answers they fall ill with either smallpox or the common cold.

She was known as the goddess of smallpox in a time when smallpox ran rampant in Japan. It is said that to keep her away, a cedar branch is placed in the doorway. Mothers give offerings to amazake-babaa in order to prevent their children from falling ill. It is said that to keep her away, a cedar branch is placed in the doorway. Mothers give offerings to amazake-babaa in order to prevent their children from falling ill.