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Here is a list of mythical creatures beginning with this letter and I am constantly gathering information from each continent and continually updating.


Arkan Sonney (Manx)

Arkan sonney is the Manx term for hedgehog. In Manx folklore it is a type of fairy animal that takes the form of a white pig that brings good fortune to those who manage to catch it. It was even considered a favourable omen just to have seen the "lucky piggy". It was also said that if you caught one you would always find a silver coin in your pocket. However, holding on to it for too long will result in bad fortune.

They are hooved and chalk white with blazing red eyes and enormous tusks, less like a hedgehog than a hybridization of a porcupine and a wild pig, with the wings of a falcon stapled on for good measure. The fairy pig of the Isle of Man, usually described as white with red ears, like many Celtic supernatural animals. It can alter its size, but apparently not its shape. It is thought to bring luck, but is difficult to catch.