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This list of mythical creatures that begin with this letter and I am constantly gathering information from each continent, and is continually being updated.


Elbow Witch (Ojibwa)

Elbow witches are old women with awls in their elbows in the Ojibwa story of Aayaase (also known as "Aayaash" or "Iyash"), "Filcher-of-Meat". Blinded by cooking smoke, the sisters killed each other in their attempts to kill him for their meal. In the Cree legend the Jealous Father, the witches appear as secondary antagonists.

Aayaase started for his home and as he journeyed through the forest, he came upon a solitary wigam inhabited by two blind hags. Both of these old women had sharp bones like daggers protruding from the lower arm at the elbow. They were very savage and used to kill everybody they met. They attempted to cook and eat Aayaase, but blinded by the smoke from their fire, they inadvertently killed each other.