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This list of mythical creatures that begin with this letter and I am constantly gathering information from each continent, and is continually being updated.


Epimeliad (Greek)

In Greek mythology, the Epimeliads, Epimelides, Meliades, or Maliades are dryad nymphs that care for apple trees as well as sheep and goats. The homonymic names for an epimelias relates them to both fruit trees and flock animals giving them their dual role. Their hair is white, much like apple blossoms or undyed wool. Like other dryads, they can shape-shift from trees to humans.

They are also known to be the guardians of the tree that the Golden Fleece was kept on. Notably, these nymphs are not a clearly defined category since various other types of nymphs were counted among them. Like other dryads,they can shapeshift from tree to human, are extremely shy. The Epimeliads , like most nymphs, are depicted as beautiful young women. When in the form of a young woman the Epimeliad's hair is reportedly pure white, like apple blossoms or lambs wool.