Creatures image

This list of mythical creatures that begin with this letter and I am constantly gathering information from each continent, and is continually being updated.


Hamsa (Buddhist, Hindu and Jainism)

The hamsa is an aquatic migratory bird mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts and interpreted by various scholars to be based on a goose, swan, or even a flamingo. Its images are used as spiritual symbols and decorative elements in Indian and Southeast Asian cultures. It is also used figuratively as a bird with the mythical ability to extract milk from a mixture of milk and water, or to extract good from evil.

In Hindu iconography, the hamsa is the vahana (or vehicle) of Brahma, Gayatri, Saraswati, and Vishwakarma. The sight of pure white flying the winter skies symbolizes the efforts of the Brahmins trying to obtain Brahma's knowledge of the universal principle of existence.