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This list of mythical creatures that begin with this letter and I am constantly gathering information from each continent, and is continually being updated.


Lamia (Greek)

Lamia was a beautiful queen of Ancient Libya who had an affair with Zeus. Upon learning this, Zeus's wife Hera robbed Lamia of her children, the offspring of her affair with Zeus, either by kidnapping or by killing them. The loss of her children drove Lamia insane, and in vengeance and despair, Lamia snatched up any children she could find and devoured them.

Because of her cruel acts, her physical appearance changed to become ugly and monstrous and has been ascribed serpentine qualities. Zeus gave Lamia the power of prophecy and the ability to take out and reinsert her eyes, possibly because she was cursed by Hera with insomnia or because she could no longer close her eyes, so that she was forced to always obsess over her lost children.