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This list of mythical creatures that begin with this letter and I am constantly gathering information from each continent, and is continually being updated.


Leokampoi (Etruscan)

The Leokampoi, also known as a morse, is a Greek fish-tailed beast that derives it’s foreparts from a lion. These sea-dwelling predators hunt all manner of smaller sea life, including aigikampoi, hippocampus, water buck and even mundane dolphins. For some reason, they dare not attack the magical Rhinoceros Dolphin, but further study is needed into this phenomenon. They are common in the Mediterranean but their habitat also includes the Caribbean Sea and the African Coastline.

Widely respected and often feared by merpeople, Leokampoi are known to on occasion attack even the larger varieties of merpeople. Indeed there is a recorded incident of a Morse attacking a mother Orca-mer and her child, which resulted in the Morse and mother both heavily injured. While the mother did heal, thanks to the group she travelled with, it is unknown what happened to the Leokampoi, due to their apparently random migratory patterns.