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This list of mythical creatures that begin with this letter and I am constantly gathering information from each continent, and is continually being updated.


Ponaturi (Maori)

A class of goblins and fairies, who living in some land beneath the waters by day, returned to shore at night to sleep. They appear to have dreaded the light, which falling on them was fatal. They slew Hema, the father of Tawhaki, and carried off his body, also taking captive Urutonga, Tawhaki's mother, whom they had made doorkeeper (hence her name of Tatau) for their house Manawa-tane.

T?whaki and Urutonga conspired to keep the Ponaturi asleep by fastening up all the apertures of the house and pretending that it was still night; then suddenly letting in the rays of the sun, the whole of these dreadful beings were destroyed.